
Reiki and Relaxation: An explanation

Reiki and Relaxation

An Explanation of why and how it works!

What Reiki has become best known for, and most spoken about is its ability to provide deep
relaxation naturally, and without any side effects, impairments or contraindications. While most know Reiki to do this, few understand how Reiki achieves it, and fewer still have language to explain it.  This is because today Reiki is most commonly spoken about within the scope and context of spirituality and/or mediation. The problem with this however is that when you speak or teach Reiki within the context of spirituality or mediation, the practice of Reiki becomes a mystery, and when we accept and promote that, we continue to keep what was once known and understood about Reiki lost. The way then to regain the lost knowledge of Reiki, so that it can be used to better the lives of humans everywhere is to speak about, and teach Reiki for what it is, a form of Energy Medicine.

Everything starts and ends as energy. As such, the human form is made up of more than the physical body it also has a corresponding energy system. The most commonly known of the human energy systems is the aura, or as referred to by science as the bio-field. As people interact with the world they are a part of, they cannot help but be influenced by the many energies they come into contact with daily. As a result of our daily interactions, each of us will accumulate a sort of energy debris within our energy system. This debris, which often becomes stuck in our own energy field, creates imbalance. Simple imbalances within the energy field create the experience we commonly call tension. Our minds then, which have no choice but to respond to this tension, will create explanations for why we feel tense or out of balance. Reiki helps by naturally restoring balance where imbalance has occurred. In doing this, Reiki, in a sense resets our energy system. Relaxation then comes as a result of this rebalancing, and this rebalancing occurs both within the aura and in physical body.

When our bodies are in a state of relative balance, we can relax naturally and on demand. When our bodies are in a state of imbalance, we require outside influences to help us relax. This form of artificial relaxation comes in many forms including food, drink, recreational and prescription drugs, sex, excessive exercise, and many other known forms, which may simulate a sense of relaxation, but comes at a price to the individual as it only compounds the state of imbalance by introducing more imbalance that the individual has to find ways to compensate for.

For this reason, natural relaxation will always be preferable to the human form than artificial relaxation, for one is working within the natural ebb and flow of our biology and energy while the other is working against it. One of the easiest and most effective ways to relax naturally, and with little effort or time, is through a self-care regime that includes giving yourself Reiki, even if it is for only 10-15 minutes each day. Additionally the benefits of using Reiki is cumulative meaning the more you use it the more responsive your energy system becomes to it and so greater ease is found and the toll daily tension takes on you in your life becomes naturally less and easier to manage.

If you are attuned to Reiki, you can start right now by placing a cupped Reiki hand anywhere on your body. I suggest starting where you hand naturally wants to be placed. If you are not attuned to channel Reiki energy yourself, you have options: You can become attuned by receiving a Reiki attunement from a Reiki Master Teacher, or you can receive regular Reiki treatments from a local Reiki professional in your area.

You can read more on understanding Reiki as a form of Energy Medicine, in Understanding Reiki: FromSelf-Care to Energy Medicine by Chyna Honey.

Written 18th January 2015 by Chyna Honey, Reiki Master and Author

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