
What the aim of the blog is

I describe myself as a Complementary Health Therapist as that is the best description that I have that covers what I do.  The Sport & Remedial massage that I do is a more physical effecting treatment than the reiki, which is more subtle and generally affects the mind (though I have found that working on myself it helps with physical issues, just these are measured subjectively and not objectively so not scientifically proven)

So I don’t feel that I can merely describe myself as a bodyworker, which is what a lot of massage therapists call themselves as they know that they affect the whole body with their approaches.  There is also a desire to distance themselves from the seedier connotations of the words masseur and masseuse, which is a real shame.

Similarly I do not feel that calling myself an energy worker is right, although this is a good description of the work that I do with reiki and during the Emotional Realignment Therapy sessions I do.

At times I feel like I am straddling a fence of what I offer and do, as sometimes I am working on a purely physial level and others purely on an energetic level.  However, I increasingly find that the lines are being blurred as I am becoming more intuitive about where I am massaging having felt a need to work a particular area (and a lot of clients are surprised on how precise I can be in finding the slightly sensitive areas that they have vaguely talked about). Similarly I can feel the areas that are being worked on and the anatomical structures affected by the reiki, though I will say that I try to stop my mind getting too involved in the reiki treatments as it can interrupt what is going on.

I really see that what I do can assist/support with Western Allopathic treatments for various conditions.  One of my favourites being helping people with chronic pain in the sinus areas, who have been constantly taking medication to ease the pain they’ve been experiencing especially when they realise that since the first instance the pain may well have been held in the muscles of the sides of the head and these can quite rapidly be eased.

In fact what I think I really do is to help educate people about themselves, bring the aches and pains to their notice, and I really hope that what I do is to then help show them a way through the situation they find themselves in and ultimately in a better place.  Some people don’t realise that this is what I’m trying to do, and others don’t want to go down that path, but I might well just keep showing them the door and hope that they will decide to walk through to see what can be found on the other side.

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