
On starting a Scaravelli Yoga Course

You may or may not realise that I've just started a Yoga Teacher Training Course, and that this is going to take me until October 2017 to complete.  This week was the first time that my eighteen fellow students and I met,together we've and embarked on this rather wonderful course. 

The first weekend has been quite a challenge in some respects as there have been a lot of administrative discussions to have been had: being introduced to the online resources that will help us through the course; the homework assignments and deadline dates (and fines for late submission); the plagiarism policy; the ethics policy; the group behaviour policy and more.

This was quite daunting and I have felt slightly overwhelmed with the amount of learning I've committed to, and how much additional information I am going to have to digest.  I was thinking that I might have to spend today (my first day off for a number of weeks) getting myself organised as I was feeling a little panicked by it all. 

So on waking up, my plan was to spend time sorting things out, but first to check my social media. I was then taken by the following message that I saw on my facebook timeline from  Doreen Virtue:
The angels want you to know that they are watching over you, and they will guide you step-by-step as you release the old and welcome the new.Focus upon excitement about your new intentions, instead of fear about what may happen.Excitement energy will fuel your motivation and courage to make this important positive change.Hanging onto the old, for fear of what might happen, is not serving anyone. 

I'm not really into "angels" and things like that, but this caught my eye. I then laughed to myself because this is perfectly timed to remind me that I have started worrying over how much work I need to do, will I be able to fit it in with my current workload, and lots of other things that I do not need to let control me.
So with this insight and message, I decided to change my focus and enjoy the fact that:

  1. I am embarking on a course that will let me learn more about myself, my body and push myself outside of my comfort zone.
  2. I am going to make friends with the wide range of people that are also on the course with me.
  3. I am going to learn from some amazing teachers about the wonderful style of yoga that has been inspired by Vanda Scaravelli and Mary Stewart.
  4. I am going to have the opportunity to get over some fears and concerns that have had a hold on my life (like not talking clearly and standing up in front of people and telling them what to do)
  5. I am going to become a yoga teacher.
  6. I am going to enjoy the process and have a great time,
  7. This is going to be so much fun.

So there are likely to be ups and downs in the time ahead, but I need to remember that this will ultimately be fun. I also need to remember that when things get tough that the thing to do is to get on my mat and do some yoga, talk to friends and remember it will all work out right in the end.

I just need to keep everything in perspective.

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